How much auto insurance do I need to carry

Need is one of those words that can be defined in a few different ways. A need can mean required by law, or it can mean should have from a practical sense. At Storey Insurance in Senatobia, MS, we have an experienced team of independent agents ready to make sure that you get what you need when it comes to auto insurance. 

If you have a car loan or are leasing your auto, you will need to carry both collision and comprehensive coverage. The lender or lessor will require it to protect the money they have invested in your vehicle. In the state of Mississippi, you are mandated to carry liability auto insurance. This protects other drivers and their property from you. The minimum that you must have is 25/50/25. $25,000 in accident or death protection for one person and $50,000 for the total accident. It also has $25,000 for the property of the accident victim. 

Liability is the required coverage the state says you need to carry but is it enough for you? For most people, having a car is not optional, and it is a necessity. Getting to work, to the grocery store, and appointments are all much more difficult if you can’t just get into your car and drive there. If you have an accident and you are at fault, or the other driver has little or no insurance, you will have to pay to repair or replace your vehicle. 

For most people, that type of expense would prove to be a hardship. With collision and comprehensive auto coverage, you would only need to come up with the deductible. 

If you have questions about the coverage you have on your auto policy, we would love to clarify things for you. At Storey Insurance in Senatobia, MS, our team has the experience you are looking for. Please stop in at our office or give us a call and let us give you a no-obligation quote.